Modalidade mais conhecida do Poker, jogada no mundo inteiro e principal tipo de Poker praticado no World Series of Poker, o Texas HoldEm é também a “porta de entrada” no jogo de cartas valendo dinheiro real para muita gente e a melhor modalidade para jogar na versão mobile. Aprenda a jogar Texas HoldEm com todas as regras, mãos e apostas possíveis.
Como jogar Texas HoldEm
Mãos do Texas HoldEm
O jogo começa com os dois jogadores à esquerda do dealer definindo os blinds, ou seja, o valor apostado na partida. Ao longo do jogo, todos terão a chance de definir os blinds de rodada em rodada.
Assim que os blinds são definidos, cada jogador ganha duas cartas que devem ser mantidas em segredo.
1º round: Pré-flop

O primeiro round de apostas começa pelo jogador à esquerda do dealer. O jogador pode realizar quatro ações distintas:
- Check: Seguir na rodada sem colocar mais fichas. Essa opção só é possível se você pagou o valor do blind.
- Call: Cobrir uma aposta estabelecida no blind ou um aumento proposto por outro jogador.
- Raise: Aumenta o valor da aposta, forçando os outros jogadores a igualarem ou saírem do jogo.
- Fold: Sair da rodada antes de colocar as fichas no pote. Manobra usada quando se recebe uma mão ruim.
Após o primeiro round de apostas ser completado, é hora das cartas comunitárias entrarem no jogo.
2º round: Flop

rês cartas são viradas, estas são as cartas comunitárias que serão usadas pelos jogadores para realizar mãos de cinco junto com as que foram entregues pelo dealer.
Inicia-se uma nova rodada em sentido horário a partir do dealer na qual cada jogador pode realizar um dos movimentos do Texas HoldEm.
3º round: Turn

A terceira rodada começa com uma quarta carta sendo virada pelo dealer. Novamente, inicia-se uma rodada de movimentos dos jogadores.
4º e último round: River

Na última rodada, uma quinta carta é revelada pelo dealer e os jogadores podem realizar uma última aposta antes de terem de realizar o showdown das cartas (ou seja, revelá-las).
Mãos do Texas HoldEm
Estratégia no Texas HoldEm
Aprender as regras para o Texas HoldEm é apenas o primeiro passo. Ao longo do tempo, os jogadores vão adquirindo experiência para alinhar estratégias e “ler” o jogo, antecipando movimentos dos seus oponentes. Pratique muito e quem sabe um dia você não ganha um torneio de poker online!
No Limit Texas Holdem FAQ
What does "no limit" mean in Texas Holdem Poker?
"No limit" means that a player can go all-in during any of the game's four betting phases. That is, a player can risk their entire stack of chips with any bet. If you raise the bet, you must factor into that decision the fact that your opponent might go all-in. If you have the bigger chip stack, then the bet is the amount of the other player's chip stack. If the opponent has the bigger chip stack, then the bet is the amount of your chip stack. In that case, you risk all your chips and could bust out of the game or tournament by calling.
No-limit Texas Holdem is the most popular form of poker. The no-limit betting rule adds more risk to every bet, which more players prefer. The adrenaline rush of going all-in and surviving is huge. On the other hand, Limit Texas Hold'em is seen as a game of tactical caution and patience.
Is No-Limit Hold’em easy to learn?
The core concepts are simple. You’ll basically want to memorize poker hand rankings and get accustomed to the relative strength of hands. Of course you can spend a lifetime mastering the game.
Do I have to use both my cards?
No. You can use just one (to complete a flush or a straight, for instance). You can actually just play all five cards on the community board but you’ll be just splitting the pot with other players in a best-case scenario. There are other variants of poker where you must use both your hole cards, such as Pot-Limit Omaha.
Can I just practice online and not lose any money?
Yes. Online poker is fantastic for learning the game and nearly every online poker site offers a play money version.
Can I wait for good cards?
Yes but it’s not always the best strategy. Really strong hands like pocket aces only come around approximately once in 250 hands so you’re going to want to mix it up with some less powerful hands.
Do people make money playing poker?
Yes. Poker is one of the few games in a casino where you aren’t competing against the house, you’re competing against other players on a level playing field. That goes for online as well. If you’re significantly more skilled than the other players, then there is a good chance you’ll make money. It’s still possible to get unlucky in the short term, however.
Is bluffing a huge part of poker?
It’s a significant part of the game but not as much as you might think. Movies and TV shows tend to emphasize bluffing but you could make an argument that math and basic deduction skills are much more important.
What’s a good number of people to play Hold’em with?
You can play Hold’em with just two people although that’s called heads-up and it plays slightly different than regular Hold’em. Most players prefer playing with a total of six to eight players.
What are winning poker strategies?
That’s a very broad question as there are almost limitless resources available online for improving as a poker player but here are some of the most basic tips to get you started:
- Don’t play every hand.
- Try to call less and bet more.
- Don’t get too attached to hands, even strong ones.
- Watch your opponents. Try to keep track of how aggressive or passive they are.
- Play online until you feel comfortable with the rules.
- Don’t worry about losing a hand or a session. Try to focus on the long term.
What is the difference between No Limit Texas Holdem and Limit Texas Holdem?
No-Limit Texas Hold'em is a form of poker where the rules don't limit how much you can bet. At any time, you can go all-in -- that is, bet your entire chip stack. If your chip stack exceeds that of your opponent's chip stack, you'll only risk the amount to cover their bet. If your chip stack is smaller, you risk all your chips. A player can't bet more than the lower chip stack of the two, meaning you can't push players out of the hand simply by betting more than they have. Otherwise, there are no limiting factors.
Limit Texas Hold'em can be played in one of two ways: Fixed Limit Hold'em or Pot-Limit Hold'em. Fixed Limit Hold'em is just that -- it has a fixed bet limit than can't be exceeded at any time during the hand. Pot-Limit Hold'em sets the limit according to the size of the pot. Your bet can't exceed the current size of the pot, which means the bet limit grows as the hand continues.
How do you play no limits in Texas Holdem?
You play No-Limit Hold'em, abbreviated to NLHE on many online poker sites. Players can enjoy No-Limit Texas Hold'em in tournaments, sit and go events, and cash games online. To play, visit an online cardroom's homepage and select either Tournaments, Cash Games, or SNGs. Once on the page, pick the NHLE event at the bet level you prefer. You'll be playing Texas Holdem for no limit within minutes.