Free Italy Serie A Picks Today: Italy Serie A Computer Picks

Friday, March 14
3:45 PM ET
See Matchup
U.S. Lecce VS Genoa
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
LEC 1.1 +320
GEN 1.4 +105
Spread Pick
+0.5 -128
-0.5 +108
Total Pick
U 2 -118
O 2 -102
Saturday, March 15
10:00 AM ET
See Matchup
Parma VS Monza
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
PAR 1.5 +150
MON 1.2 +200
Spread Pick
- - -130
- - +110
Total Pick
U 2.25 -102
O 2.25 -118
10:00 AM ET
See Matchup
Verona VS Udinese
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
VER 1.0 +380
UDI 1.6 -130
Spread Pick
+0.75 -120
-0.75 +100
Total Pick
U 2.25 -102
O 2.25 -118
1:00 PM ET
See Matchup
Como VS AC Milan
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
COM 0.8 +330
MIL 2.0 -125
Spread Pick
+0.75 -120
-0.75 +100
Total Pick
U 2.75 -115
O 2.75 -105
3:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Empoli VS Torino
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
EMP 1.0 +360
TOR 1.5 -120
Spread Pick
+0.5 -102
-0.5 -118
Total Pick
U 2.25 -118
O 2.25 -102
Sunday, March 16
7:30 AM ET
See Matchup
Napoli VS Venezia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
NAP 2.0 -195
VEN 0.6 +525
Spread Pick
-1 -112
+1 -108
Total Pick
U 2.5 -122
O 2.5 +102
10:00 AM ET
See Matchup
Lazio VS Bologna
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
LAZ 1.4 +220
BOL 1.2 +135
Spread Pick
+0.25 -120
-0.25 +100
Total Pick
U 2.25 -112
O 2.25 -108
11:00 AM ET
See Matchup
Cagliari Calcio VS Roma
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CAG 0.8 +500
ROM 2.0 -180
Spread Pick
+1 -115
-1 -105
Total Pick
U 2.5 -112
O 2.5 -108
1:00 PM ET
See Matchup
Juventus VS Fiorentina
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
JUV 1.4 +125
FIO 1.1 +235
Spread Pick
-0.25 -108
+0.25 -112
Total Pick
U 2.25 -118
O 2.25 -102
3:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Inter VS Atalanta
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
INT 1.6 +175
ATA 1.2 +155
Spread Pick
- - -102
- - -118
Total Pick
U 2.5 -108
O 2.5 -112
Computer Picks Results - Last 100 Games
Last 100 To Win ATS Total O/U
$ Units (Opening)-$756$965-$936
$ Units (Closing)-$588$579-$830
Record (Opening)48 - 5253 - 38 - 943 - 47 - 10
Record (Closing)48 - 5251 - 42 - 744 - 49 - 7

What’s The Meaning Of This Table?

This table is designed to help you make strategic predictions. The information in the table indicates the records for the last 100 games played in Italy Serie A. Below we’ll provide a detailed explanation of what each column in the table represents.


$ Of Units Sportsbook/Closing

Where you see the dollar sign ($), this means the number of the profit or loss based on a bettor wagering $100 on each of the last 100 Lega Serie A matchups produced by the computer on the Sportsbook and closing lines. The win that is based on moneyline bets is indicated by “To Win.” 

Often referred to as straight-up betting, the moneyline designates any picks made on one club to win. Let’s break it down: Lazio is facing off against Atalanta. If you pick Lazio to win and they do, you win your moneyline bet. But if they lose, you would lose your bet. 

Against the spread (described as ATS in our table) indicates the win based on picks that are made to conflict with the spread. When it comes to making bets, the spread is the number oddsmakers use to give people other wagering options besides wins and losses. A spread in Italy Serie A is like .5 or 1.5 and suggests that one club would need to lose the match by 1 or 2 goals or the other club would have to win by that same amount. If neither happens, your bet won’t cover the spread and you won’t win your bet. 

Where you see “Total O/U” (sometimes called totals betting), this is the amount won on OVER or UNDER picks. For betting the OVER/UNDER on Lega Serie A, you must consider anything that will affect the outcome of the match like injuries (real injuries that occur prior to a game), weather conditions (heat and wind will play major factors in the game’s outcome), and how good or bad each club is offensively and defensively. 

Record Sportsbook/Closing

At Odds Shark, we want you to make educated picks. In order to do so, we’ve done our part to make sure you have all the info you need. We list wins first, losses second, and pushes and ties are listed third. “ATS” is the record based on predictions made against the spread (see explanation above). “To Win” expresses the record supported by moneyline bets (also explained above). Finally, “Total O/U” is the record on OVER or UNDER predictions (explained above too). 

Looking For Expert Picks On Lega Serie A?

Our super computer has one thing on its mind: DATA. Since Italy Serie A is one of the most recognized national football (soccer) leagues on the planet, our computer-generated picks give you options on how you can cover the spread for every game and make decent bets. Before making your Lega Serie A picks, check out our Picks page to see that your money goes a long way. The last thing you need is to lose your hard-earned dollars making an uneducated bet on Udinese.

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