Which way are the odds going in 2016 USA Presidential Election odds?

USA Presidential Election: 2016 Odds

Donald Trump's favored in the US Presidential odds

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The ballots have been counted and Donald Trump visits the White House on Thursday as president-elect. It was a wild election campaign and an even crazier election night as the results came in and showed that the polls, predictions and oddsmakers were not going to get this one right. 

Paddy Power in the UK got it so wrong that they paid out Clinton bettors in advance and in doing so cost themselves $4 million by the time November 8 was over. As the polls closed and results began to pour in on election night, books continued to update their odds even as official results were incoming. 

And while the oddsmakers got it wrong before election night, they were willing to call Trump the favorite earlier than CNN or any other news channel was willing to declare things for “The Donald”. From just before 8 p.m. Eastern time until midnight when numbers came off the board, here are some of the biggest swings in the odds that OddsShark was tracking.

2016 Presidential Election Night Odds Timeline
Time (ET)Hillary ClintonDonald Trump
7:58 PM-700+475
8:01 PM-900+550
8:36 PM-700+475
8:47 PM-600+400
8:58 PM-400+300
9:05 PM-250+195
9:20 PM-170+140
9:25 PM-115-115
9:29 PM-160+130
9:35 PM-125-105
9:50 PM+105-135
10:05 PM+145-175
11:00 PM+300-500
11:25 PM+550-900
11:52 PM+1000-2000

Looking at these numbers it's clear, even in politics, you can never count out the underdog.

2016 presidential Election Odds
CanadiateAug 5Oct 30Feb 1Mar 4May 9June 22Aug 18Sept 26Oct 25Nov 1
Other     +2500  +3300+5000

In a year that’s seen major payouts for underdog bettors on everything from Brexit, to Leicester City, to Villanova’s March Madness win, and even the Denver Broncos’ underdog win in Super Bowl 50, a Trump win (when he started as a 25/1 bet to win the presidency) fits right in with this unpredictable year in betting.


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**UPDATE: Votes are now being counted across the United States. The Presidential odds have been taken off the board. Just before 12 midnight (ET) Trump was listed as a -2000 favorite, with Clinton's odds set at +1000. 

We’ve reached the final day of the 2016 presidential campaign and there are just hours to go until voting ends.

The FBI announced over the weekend that its investigation into a new batch of Hillary Clinton emails has found no criminal wrongdoing. Clinton's odds to be the next president have increased with that news but her lead in the polls has not recovered to the levels of two weeks ago when she was ahead by double digits.

The most recent national polls now have Clinton and Donald Trump neck and neck among likely voters. Clinton remains the favorite to be the next president among oddsmakers but by a smaller margin than at the end of October.

On the morning of election day, the odds have moved again slightly. The gap between the two candidates has shrunk, but Clinton remains a 5/1 favorite over Trump. 

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton +1000
  • Donald Trump -2000
Odds as of November 9 at Sportsbook
Odds on Next President of the United States
CanadiateAug 5Oct 30Feb 1Mar 4May 9June 22Aug 18Sept 26Oct 25Nov 1
Other     +2500  +3300+5000


Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -550
  • Donald Trump +375
  • Other +10000
Odds as of November 7 at Sportsbook


Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming the 45th president of the United States looked pretty solid heading into the final stretch of the campaign. However, reports Friday afternoon that the FBI is investigating newly found Clinton emails have changed that sentiment and drastically affected the odds.

With only two weeks left in the campaign, Clinton was a -550 favorite to Donald Trump's +350 odds. After the new email news broke, the former Secretary of State is now listed at -300 with Trump's odds increasing to +200. 

In terms of probability, -300 means the books give Clinton a 75% chance of becoming president compared with an 85% chance at -550. For Trump, the change increases the implied probability from 23.5% to a 33% chance that he'll win the election on November 8.

News broke of the investigation after FBI director James Comey infomed congressional leaders on Friday. In a letter to Congress, he wrote, "the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work."

While the reaction on the oddsboard has been swift, the effect this news will have on Clinton's poll numbers – and the overall effect it will have on the election itself – is yet to be seen.

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -300
  • Donald Trump +200
  • Other +2500
Odds as of October 28 at Sportsbook


*UPDATE: With news of a new FBI investigation into Clinton's emails, presidential odds have been taken off the board Friday (Oct. 28) afternoon. As of Friday morning Clinton was listed as a -450 favorite to Trump's odds at +275. 

The third and final presidential debate is now in the rear-view mirror and while voting is still a couple of weeks away, the end is in sight. Wednesday's debate, hosted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, was the last time voters will see Clinton and Trump on the same stage together and the candidates did not disappoint.

Most pundits believed if Trump was going to change his odds to become president, it was going to have to be in the final debate. Through questions on abortion, gun control, and the Supreme Court, the Republican candidate was prepared and on point. Moving into the second half of the debate, Trump was more combative with many in the media latching on to his comment that he couldn't say if he would accept the results of the election on November 8.


Clinton's performance was similar to the last two debates with an additional effort to push Trump on his position on Russia and his economic plan for America. And while the only polls that matter in the end are the votes cast on November 8, the former secretary of state continues to increase her lead in the polls and on the oddsboard.

With two weeks to go as of Oct. 25, Clinton's odds remain stable at -550 while Trump's odds have improved slightly to +350. 

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -550
  • Donald Trump +350
  • Other +3300
Odds as of October 25 at Sportsbook


Following the final debate, Clinton's odds have increased from -500 before the debate while Trump's number has dropped slightly from +350. 

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -550
  • Donald Trump +375
  • Other +3000
Odds as of October 20 at Sportsbook


*Wednesday night's third and final presidential debate is now over. OddsShark will post the updated odds for president after new numbers are back on the board. 

Tuesday marks only three weeks until Election Day 2016, and in a presidential race as wild as this one, many can't wait to get to the voting booths. Both candidates have one final hurdle before voters make their opinions known: Wednesday, October 19 is the third and final debate. The odds on who will be president remain relatively stable this week with Clinton's odds changing slightly from -650 to -600. 

The second presidential debate involved a lot of shouting, including from moderators Martha Raddatz of ABC News and Anderson Cooper of CNN, who repeatedly had to remind both candidates that their time was up or to stay on topic.


Polling following last week's debate showed Clinton widening her lead over Trump and the odds are proving the same. The day following the debate, the odds only moved from -400 to -425 in Clinton's favor. Nearing the end of the week, and ahead of the third and final debate, Clinton was listed with her best odds in the whole campaign cycle at -650. The "Other" option has moved further down the board back to 25/1 odds that someone other than Trump or Clinton will be the next POTUS. 

The third and final debate is set for Wednesday, October 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -500
  • Donald Trump +350
  • Other +2500
Odds as of October 19 at Sportsbook


The presidential odds shifted significantly in the days before the debate after a tape of Trump bragging about his vulgar actions toward women became the top story of the weekend. At one point Sunday, Clinton was a -500 favorite, her best odds yet to be president. In the minutes before the debate began, the former secretary of state had moved down to a -400 favorite with Trump’s odds remaining at +325.

The biggest change Sunday was the odds for the option of an “Other” candidate becoming president, going from +2000 to +750 in less than 12 hours – likely a response to calls for Trump to step aside and public opinion that the Republican candidate could still quit or be kicked off the ticket.

In a debate full of insults and interruptions and only minimal policy discussion, it’s hard to say how much this debate will move public opinion. Updated odds have changed only slightly in Clinton’s favor after the second presidential debate. The third and final debate is set for Wednesday, October 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -425
  • Donald Trump +325
  • Other +1000
Odds as of October 9 at Sportsbook


*UPDATE: The second presidential debate is now over. OddsShark will update odds when new numbers are available. Immediately before the debate began, Clinton was a -400 favorite with Trump set at +325 and the "Other" option jumping up the board to +750 from +2000 earlier in the day Sunday. 

The second presidential debate of the 2016 election season is Sunday, October 9 at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Only two weeks have past since the first presidential debate but a lot has happened in that time, including some major movement in the odds on who will be the next President. 

Before the first debate, the Democrats were -215 favorites to win the White House with the Republicans set as +175 underdogs. Immediately following the first debate on September 26 that gap widened to -250 for Clinton and the Democrats with Trump and the Republicans set as +180 underdogs. Heading into the second debate tonight those number have moved even further, giving Clinton the widest gap between her and Trump since both became their party's nominee. 

With general consensus in the media that Clinton won the first debate and the release earlier this week of damaging audio of Trump having a lewd conversation about women in 2005,  the numbers have shifted heavily in favor of Clinton and the Democrats. Heading into Sunday's debate Clinton sits as a -500 favorite, her best odds yet and an implied probability of 83 per cent that she will be elected president on November 8. 

Props are also availalbe for the second debate on Sunday night and include OVER/UNDERS on how many times Russian and China will be said and the question "Will Trump invent another word?".  The third and final debate is set for Wednesday, October 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -500
  • Donald Trump +325
  • Other +2000
Odds as of October 9 at Sportsbook


The first presidential debate of the 2016 election season is in the can. For those wondering who won the debate, it seems the answer depends on whom you ask. But if the odds have anything to say about it, it appears Hillary Clinton was the Sportsbook of her first head-to-head meeting with Donald Trump.

Before the debate, the Democrats were -215 favorites to win the White House with the Republicans set as +175 underdogs. That gap has widened since new odds hit the board after the debate on Monday.

Trump focused on some of his key points, including the need to return to “law and order” and reminding the audience of Clinton’s email scandal when asked about why he wouldn’t release his tax returns. Clinton pushed Trump on why he wouldn’t release his tax information, suggesting he must be hiding something important.

Tuesday after the debate the hashtag #TrumpWon was trending in the United States, so while much of the media analysis, from CNN to fivethirtyeight.com to Vox, argued that Clinton won the debate, it’s clear Trump did not lose any steam among his most passionate supporters.  

The next presidential debate will take place on Sunday, October 9 at Washington University in Missouri. Debate props are now available for the second debate, and include OVER/UNDERS on how many times Russian and China will be said and the question "Will Trump invent another word?".  The third and final debate set for Wednesday, October 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Next President of the United States of America
  • Hillary Clinton -333
  • Donald Trump +240
  • Other +3300
Odds as of October 7 at Sportsbook


Post debate numbers have the Democrat's odds increasing over the Republican's.

Party To Win 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
  • Democratic party -250
  • Republican party +180
  • Other +1200
Odds as of September 27 at Sportsbook


**Monday's Presidential debate is now over. Early odds have the Democrats expanding their lead to -250 over the Republican's +190.

With the 2016 presidential election less than two months away, it seems that Hillary Clinton is holding a steady lead over Donald Trump. Clinton holds a 46 percent to 41 percent edge over Trump, according to a recent poll conducted by the Washington Post/ABC News.


However, numbers have started to tighten up in key battleground states ahead of the first presidential debate on Sept. 26. Though Clinton still holds a healthy lead in registered voters, it’s the likely voters that are starting to truly narrow the margin.

One of the more interesting numbers to come from this particular poll was that six in 10 say that neither candidate is trustworthy or honest. This likely means both candidates are going to need to do some groundwork before the election to try to change their public image.

Right after the conventions, the Democratic party was -450 to win the election, but that line has now taken a large dip to -215. The Republicans, on the other hand, have gone from +325 to +175.

Party To Win 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
  • Democratic party -215
  • Republican party +175
Odds as of September 26 at Sportsbook

Looking for more presidential action? Check out the debate props for the 1st debate on Monday, September 26.


With the national conventions all over, it is time to look towards the road to 270. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has been polling strongly as we move ahead on the campaign trail, which seems to give her a rather solid lead over Republican nominee Donald Trump.

However, polls are far from a guarantee as to how elections will actually play out and we have yet to see if Clinton’s recent surge is going to remain a constant or if it is simply a small bump following the conventions.

Clinton appears to hold a considerable lead in several key states including California and New York, the states with the most and third-most electoral delegates to award respectively. Trump seems to have Texas locked up, which has the second-most electoral delegates.

Potentially the most important state could be Florida. Though Clinton has a solid lead in the polls, fivethirtyeight.com pegged the state as a high 16.3 percent chance of tipping the election. Both Clinton and Trump will likely be spending quite a bit of time in the Sunshine State to ensure victory.

Party To Win 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
  • Democratic Party -450
  • Republican Party +325
Odds as of August 18 at Sportsbook


With the Republican Convention in full swing, we are seeing the presidential odds start to tighten. After an extended period of Hillary Clinton holding a dominant lead – according to the odds - Donald Trump has begun to close the gap.

Leading into the Republican Convention, Trump has moved up to +200 from +280 in less than a two-week span. That span has seen Trump name Mike Pence as his running mate – a move that was not even on the radar just a month ago. Pence – who has described himself as “Rush Limbaugh on decaf” – gives Trump an insider with plenty of experience working within the government.

While Trump’s odds have been rising, Clinton’s have been falling. The Democratic nominee has seen her odds go from -340 to -240 between July 6 and July 19.  There is still plenty of speculation as to whom Clinton will select as her running mate.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -240
  • Donald Trump +200
  • Other +1200
Odds as of July 19 at Sportsbook


The Democratic and Republican conventions are just around the corner and Hillary Clinton has been placed as a large odds-on favorite to win the presidential election. The Clinton campaign let out a huge sigh of relief when the FBI publically stated that the former Secretary of State’s use of her personal email was careless, but not criminal.

With the entire email thing behind us – please, let it be behind us – Clinton has jumped out as a massive -340 favorite to become the next POTUS.

Trump is coming back at +280 according to Sportsbook. Maybe those numbers will see a drop after Trump openly said that he believes that Saddam Hussein did an effective job of killing terrorists. Though Trump did say Hussein was a ‘bad guy.’

Wondering who could be the running mates for both Clinton and Trump? We have all the updated odds for you right here.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -340
  • Donald Trump +280
  • Other +1400
Odds as of July 6 at Sportsbook


The United States presidential election of 2016 now has its presumptive nominees. Donald Trump – the billionaire media mogul – will represent the Republican Party and Hillary Clinton – the former secretary of state – will represent the Democrats.

Trump has been locked in as the presumptive nominee for a month following Ted Cruz and John Kasich suspending their campaigns within 24 hours of one another in the beginning of May. 

Though Clinton garnered enough delegates to win the nomination ahead of the Democratic convention, opponent Bernie Sanders vowed to take his campaign all the way to Cleveland. The Vermont senator lost the final primary in the District of Columbia on June 14 by a huge margin. 

This is certainly one of the most interesting presidential races of all time from a betting perspective with Clinton being the odds-on favorite to become the POTUS pretty much from the beginning while Trump was a ludicrous long shot when he announced he was running. After June 14 - the last primary of this campaign - Clinton was a -300 favorite to win the presidency with Trump coming back at +240.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -320
  • Donald Trump +260
  • Other +2500
Odds as of June 22 at Sportsbook
Odds on Next President of the United States
CanadiateAug 5Oct 30Feb 1Mar 4May 9June 22Aug 18Sept 26Oct 25Nov 1
Other     +2500  +3300+5000
Odds on the Next President of the United States
CandidateOct 3Oct 6Oct 12Oct 17Oct 21Oct 25Oct 28Oct 29Nov 1Nov 2
Recent Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
May 17KentuckyDemClinton
May 17OregonDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 24Washington StateRepTrump
June 4Virgin IslandsDemClinton
June 5Puerto RicoDemClinton
June 7CaliforniaDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7MontanaDem/RepSanders/Trump
June 7New JerseyDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7New MexicoDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7South DakotaDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7North DakotaDemSanders
June 14District of ColumbiaDemClinton


NOTE: Results in Tuesday's primary votes are being reviewed. OddsShark will update the presidential odds when they are available. 

Yes, there are two more primaries ahead of Tuesday’s massive California - plus several other state's - primary, but Democratic candidates have been hitting the campaign trail hard in the Golden State. Hillary Clinton was originally scheduled to campaign in New Jersey this week with that state’s primary taking place on the same day as California, but the former Secretary of State’s staff decided she needed to be actively working in – what could be – the most important state of the primary season.

Clinton’s opposition for the democratic nomination – Bernie Sanders – has been travelling around California for nearly a month while holding numerous rallies trying to drum up support.

Clinton has an approximate 250 delegate led on Sanders – not including superdelegates – heading into Cali. With a ridiculous 546 delegates on the line, a win in the state could go a long way to to determining who will be representing the party in the upcoming presidential election.

As of June 2, Clinton is a -2000 favorite to claim the nom with Sanders coming back at +900. Not only is Clinton the odds-on favorite to run for the Democrats, she is also the odds-on fave to become the next POTUS.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -220
  • Donald Trump +190
  • Bernie Sanders +1600
Odds as of June 2 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2500
  • Bernie Sanders +900
Odds as of June 2 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
May 17KentuckyDemClinton
May 17OregonDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 24Washington StateRepTrump
June 4Virgin IslandsDemClinton
June 5Puerto RicoDemClinton
June 7CaliforniaDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7MontanaDem/RepSanders/Trump
June 7New JerseyDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7New MexicoDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7South DakotaDem/RepClinton/Trump
June 7North DakotaDemSanders


Bernie Sanders continues to prove he is a worthy adversary and potential threat to what many assumed was a given – Hillary Clinton becoming the Democratic nominee for president. Sanders took the Oregon primary and virtually tied with Clinton in Kentucky.

Though Clinton technically won the Bluegrass State, it was only by a half a percentage point. The former secretary of state spent a considerable amount of money in a late campaign blitz in Kentucky but ultimately ended up splitting the delegate count in half with Sanders. This is a huge decline for Clinton in Kentucky  – she won the state by a massive 35 percentage points in 2008.

The results did little to affect the presidential odds market. Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump saw their numbers alter slightly with Sanders seeing his odds to become the next POTUS remaining the same.

Donald Trump won the Republican primary in Washington state on May 24th. The next truly meaningful set of primaries comes on June 7 when California and five other states vote. The Golden State is the last massive primary and could go a long way to determining the Democratic nominee with 546 delegates up for grabs.

Can't get enough presidential odds? Click here to see who are the favorites to become the running mates and potential Vice President.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -220
  • Donald Trump +190
  • Bernie Sanders +1800
Odds as of May 26 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2500
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
Odds as of May 26 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
May 3IndianaDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 7GuamDemClinton
May 10NebraskaRepTrump
May 10West VirginiaDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 17KentuckyDemClinton
May 17OregonDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 24Washington StateRepTrump
June 4Virgin IslandsDem-
June 5Puerto RicoDem-


Every time there seems to be a consensus that Hillary Clinton will win the democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders comes storming back to win primaries. The most recent was in West Virginia — a state that saw Sanders win 18 of the 29 delegates.

After winning West Virginia, Sanders shifted from +1200 to +1000 to win the democratic nomination while Clinton fell from -4000 to -2500.

The democrats have 1065 remaining delegates to be dolled out with California accounting for 546 of those. Those numbers suggest that either Clinton or Sanders could theoretically earn the necessary 2383 delegates necessary to claim the nomination, but with the two virtually splitting every vote it may not happen. That would mean that it would be up to the superdelegates to ultimately decide who is the nominee at the upcoming democratic convention.

With Donald Trump locked in as the one remaining Republican still campaigning, he has basically ensured himself the nomination at this point. Despite getting past the first hurdle, Trump is still +250 to become the next POTUS – well behind Clinton’s -275.

Can't get enough presidential odds? Click here to see who are the favorites to become the running mates and potential Vice President.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -275
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Bernie Sanders +1600
Odds as of May 16 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2500
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
Odds as of May 16 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
May 3IndianaDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 7GuamDemClinton
May 10NebraskaRepTrump
May 10West VirginiaDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 17KentuckyDemClinton
May 17OregonDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 24Washington StateRep-


And then there was one. After Ted Cruz and John Kasich suspended their campaigns, Donald Trump will cruise to the Republican nomination. With a win in Indiana, Trump pushed himself over 1000 delegates and forced his remaining two opponents to bow out of the running.

The Democrats continue to sputter along with neither candidate able to finish off the race. Many thought that a win by Hillary Clinton in Indiana would basically ensure her the nomination based on momentum, but Bernie Sanders shocked the pollsters and took the state. 

The two remaining democratic nominees will battle it out, seemingly until the bitter end, with California (June 7) and its 546 delegates likely being the last battle.

Can't get enough presidential odds? Click here to see who are the favorites to become the running mates and potential Vice President.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -275
  • Donald Trump +225
  • Bernie Sanders +3300
Odds as of May 9 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -4000
  • Bernie Sanders +1200
Odds as of May 9 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 26ConnecticutDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26DelawareDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26MarylandDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26Rhode IslandDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 3IndianaDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 7GuamDemClinton
May 10NebraskaRepTrump
May 10West VirginiaDem/RepSanders/Trump


*With Ted Cruz and John Kasich both suspending their campaigns, books have taken these odds off the board to decide what to do next. We will update the lines ASAP*

The next-to-last Super Tuesday (can we please stop calling every Tuesday ‘Super’) of the primary season is in the books and it was a clean sweep by Donald Trump. The Republican candidate won all five states on April 26 and ultimately walked away with 109 of 117 GOP delegates. At this point, it seems more and more likely that Trump will be able to reach the 1237 that he needs to earn the nomination outright.


This all happened despite John Kasich and Ted Cruz forming a flimsy alliance to try and divide the votes enough to make it to a contested convention. At this point, it seems unlikely that the Ohio Governor and Texas Senator are not going to be able to slow Trump’s momentum, especially if they can’t win Indiana.

The Democrats saw a slightly closer day at the polls, but Hillary Clinton still walked away with majority of the delegates. The one state that Bernie Sanders managed to win was Rhode Island, which had the second fewest delegates that day. However, barring a collapse of biblical proportions, Clinton will be the Democratic nominee.

With the dominant victories on April 26, Trump and Clinton have both become massive favorites to earn their respective parties nomination. Trump was -225 ahead of his sweep on the 26th, but jumped to -800 within 48 hours of the polls closing. Clinton saw a monumental move to -5000 to win the democratic nomination, which means you would need to wager $5000 to win $100.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -340
  • Donald Trump +280
  • Bernie Sanders +2500
  • Ted Cruz +2500
  • John Kaisch +10000
Odds as of May 3 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -5000
  • Bernie Sanders +1400
Odds as of May 3 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -800
  • Ted Cruz +500
  • John Kasich +3300
Odds as of May 3 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 26ConnecticutDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26DelawareDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26MarylandDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26Rhode IslandDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 3IndianaDem/RepSanders/Trump
May 7GuamDem-
May 10NebraskaRep-
May 10West VirginiaDem/Rep-


The New York primaries came out pretty much as expected, with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump cruising to massive victories. Though a huge win for Trump has done little to the odds as to who will win the Republican nomination, a landslide loss for Bernie Sanders has dropped his lines to perilously long shot levels.

Sanders had said multiple times that he could win New York, but the Brooklyn-born Democrat got pummelled and lost the state by over 15 percent of the vote, which amounts to roughly a quarter of a million votes. Sanders was a +450 underdog to win the democratic nomination heading into the New York primary, but the results saws his odds plummet to +1000 within 48 hours. Clinton watched her odds to earn the nomination double from -750 before New York to -2500 following her win in The Empire State.

There was little doubt that Trump would be able to win in his home state of New York, but the mogul dominated the competition by claiming 89 of the 92 delegates for the GOP. The odds have seen a slight move in Trump’s favour to win the Republican nomination (from -140 to -225), but the shift has been largely conservative with the possibility of a contested convention looming.

However, there is still a very realistic chance that Trump could garner the numbers to win the nomination outright. There are nine states remaining in which the GOP Sportsbook takes all the delegates, including California. Those nine states combined equal 497 delegates and Trump needs just 393 to reach the 1237 needed for nomination. And those numbers are not including the six other states that will see delegates dolled out on a percentage basis.

The odds to become the next president have seen Clinton and Trump expand their gap over the rest of the field, though the potential democratic nominee is still the odds-on favorite according to books.

Primary season keeps rolling when both parties hold their votes in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island on April 26.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -290
  • Donald Trump +325
  • Bernie Sanders +1200
  • Ted Cruz +2000
  • John Kaisch +3300
Odds as of April 25 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2500
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
Odds as of April 25 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -225
  • Ted Cruz +225
  • John Kasich +1000
Odds as of April 25 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 5WisconsinDem/RepSanders/Cruz
April 8ColoradoRepCruz
April 9WyomingDemSanders 
April 19New YorkDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26ConnecticutDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26DelawareDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26MarylandDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/RepClinton/Trump
April 26Rhode IslandDem/RepSanders/Trump


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders met in, possibly, their most high profile debate just days before the Democratic primary in New York. The debate was a rather large departure from the usual exchanges, as both candidates took a more aggressive stance opposing one another, especially Clinton who has frequently spoken to Republican candidates more than Sanders in past debates.

The Democratic debate could certainly give fence sitters in New York the tools to make a decision as to whom they would vote for in the states primary on April 19. However, the odds remained relatively unchanged despite the exchanges between Clinton and Sanders. 

The Republican candidates have taken a bit of a back seat heading into New York, as the general consensus is that Donald Trump will dominate the state. Trump is a -140 favorite to win the Republican nomination, which could jump drastically with a good performance in The Empire State.

Ted Cruz, who appeared to be Trump’s biggest competition in New York, has himself in hot water after saying the phrase “New York values” on the campaign trail.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -240
  • Donald Trump +475
  • Bernie Sanders +750
  • Ted Cruz +750
  • John Kaisch +2500
Odds as of April 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -750
  • Bernie Sanders +450
Odds as of April 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -140
  • Ted Cruz +175
  • John Kasich +700
Odds as of April 19 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 5WisconsinDem/RepSanders/Cruz
April 8ColoradoRepCruz
April 9WyomingDemSanders 
April 19New YorkDem/Rep-
April 26ConnecticutDem/Rep-
April 26DelawareDem/Rep-
April 26MarylandDem/Rep-
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/Rep-
April 26Rhode IslandDem/Rep-


Wisconsin saw huge victories for Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, which should give the two much needed momentum heading into New York on April 19. Cruz claimed the more urban districts of Wisconsin, dominating the Southeastern part of the state, while Donald Trump took the more rural areas. Sanders won nearly every country outright, but the percentages were still very close with Hillary Clinton.

Despite momentum gaining victories in Wisconsin for Cruz and Sanders, the odds have seen minimal movement in all markets. The Presidential and the Republican nomination odds have seen Cruz make some gains while Sanders made ground in the odds to become the Democratic nominee.

With Cruz closing the gap on Trump, it seems that a contested Republican Convention could be inevitable at this point. Nine of the remaining 16 GOP caucuses are Sportsbook-take-all, but a sweep of each of those states would reward 497 combined delegates, which would not give any candidate the nod alone.

Sanders continues to dominate within the white, middle class-worker demographic, but has struggled to garner traction outside that voter pool. Though the Vermont Senator has won the past six caucuses he will need a big showing in New York, which is much more diverse than his previous victory states, in order to legitimize himself as a true threat to garner the nom. That task will not be easy though as Clinton was the Senator of New York from 2001 to 2009.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -225
  • Donald Trump +500
  • Bernie Sanders +700
  • Ted Cruz +700
  • John Kaisch +1600
Odds as of April 14 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -700
  • Bernie Sanders +400
Odds as of April 14 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -125
  • Ted Cruz +150
  • John Kasich +700
Odds as of April 14 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 5WisconsinDem/RepSanders/Cruz
April 8ColoradoRepCruz
April 9WyomingDemSanders 
April 19New YorkDem/Rep-
April 26ConnecticutDem/Rep-
April 26DelawareDem/Rep-
April 26MarylandDem/Rep-
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/Rep-
April 26Rhode IslandDem/Rep-


Though the campaign trail has been relatively quiet over the past week or so, Donald Trump has seen his odds to become the Republican nominee and the President take some significant hits. There could be several factors, but Trump’s controversial comments towards abortion likely played a large part in the drop in numbers.

On March 24, Trump was -400 to become the nominee and +175 to become the next POTUS, but those numbers fell to -140 and +400 as of April 4 respectively. Trump’s tumble on the odds board has seen a rise from third place John Kasich, as the Ohio Governor went from an afterthought for bettors to posting some tightly contested lines with his Republican counterparts.

All-and-all, Hillary Clinton remains the odds-on favorite to become the next President, a position she has firmly held for quite some time now. Fellow Democrat Bernie Sanders has seen a small jump in his odds to move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -225
  • Donald Trump +400
  • Bernie Sanders +700
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • John Kaisch +1200
Odds as of April 4 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -900
  • Bernie Sanders +500
Odds as of April 4 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -140
  • Ted Cruz +200
  • John Kasich +450
Odds as of April 4 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 5WisconsinDem/RepSanders/Cruz
April 8ColoradoRep-
April 9WyomingDem-
April 19New YorkDem/Rep-
April 26ConnecticutDem/Rep-
April 26DelawareDem/Rep-
April 26MarylandDem/Rep-
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/Rep-
April 26Rhode IslandDem/Rep-


Bernie Sanders swept all three Democratic primaries on March 26 to cut into the ever-dwindling lead of Hillary Clinton. Sanders won Alaska, Hawaii and Washington all while attaining 70 percent or more of the votes in each state. That means Sanders has now won five of the past six states for the Democrats and has climbed within 300 delegates of Clinton.  

Sanders was +700 to win the Democratic nomination the day before March 26, but has jumped to +500 after claiming the three states that Saturday. Sanders also had a considerable boost in his odds to become the POTUS, but Clinton is still the odds-on favorite.

With the Republicans taking a couple weeks off between their primaries, there has been no movement in those markets with Donald Trump heavily favored to get the nomination for the party.

The month of April is a relatively slow month in the race for nominations with only four states going to the pools within the first three weeks. However, one of those states will be New York, which will hit the polls on April 19.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -225
  • Donald Trump +225
  • Bernie Sanders +900
  • Ted Cruz +2000
  • John Kaisch +2500
Odds as of March 28 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -900
  • Bernie Sanders +500
Odds as of March 28 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Ted Cruz +400
  • John Kasich +900
Odds as of March 28 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
April 5WisconsinDem/Rep-
April 8ColoradoRep-
April 9WyomingDem-
April 19New YorkDem/Rep-
April 26ConnecticutDem/Rep-
April 26DelawareDem/Rep-
April 26MarylandDem/Rep-
April 26PennsylvaniaDem/Rep-
April 26Rhode IslandDem/Rep-


Bernie Sanders continues to make the Democratic Nomination race close, as the Senator from Vermont took dominant victories in both Idaho and Utah on March 22. Overall, Sanders made up some ground on Hillary Clinton, but the delegate counts in Idaho and Utah pale in comparison to the number in Arizona, which Clinton won by nearly 20 percent.

These gains in the delegate count has Sanders making some moves at books, with ‘The Bern’ shifting from a +1000 underdog to earn the nomination to +700. Clinton has seen her odds drop from -2500 to -1500 following the three state votes on March 22.

The Republicans had two Sportsbook-take-all states on March 22 with Donald Trump winning Arizona and Ted Cruz taking Utah. Though Trump gained 18 more delegates than Cruz, a huge win in the Beehive State has seen the Texas Senator climb in the odds to become the nominee and in the presidential odds.

Overall, Clinton is still a large -200 favorite to take residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with the prevailing thought that she wins the Democratic nomination.  

The Primary season will see a little bit of a lull to close out March, as the Democrats will compete in three states on the 26th and the Republican Party is finished until April 5.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -200
  • Donald Trump +175
  • Bernie Sanders +1200
  • Ted Cruz +1600
  • John Kaisch +2000
Odds as of March 24 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1500
  • Bernie Sanders +700
Odds as of March 24 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Ted Cruz +400
  • John Kasich +900
Odds as of March 24 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
March 15FloridaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15IllinoisDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15MissouriDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15Northern Mariana IslandsRepTrump
March 15North CarolinaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15OhioDem/RepClinton/Kasich
March 22ArizonaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 22IdahoDemSanders
March 22UtahDem/RepSanders/Cruz
March 26AlaskaDemSanders
March 26HawaiiDemSanders
March 26WashingtonDemSanders


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump extended their leads following Super Tuesday 2 (sidenote: we need to stop calling every Tuesday that has a vote “Super”). Clinton won all five states for the Democrats, but dominated in Florida where it mattered most. The former Secretary of State garnered 124 delegates to Bernie Sanders’ 60 in the Sunshine State. 

Trump took three of the four take-all states for the Republican Party with a notably big win in Florida where he took 45.8 percent of the vote.

The biggest, most predictable, news from the Republican side came when Marco Rubio announced he was dropping out. Rubio lost his home state of Florida convincingly to Trump and has routinely watched his support in America plummet further and further into obscurity.

Dropping out is different than suspending a campaign because you can technically re-enter the race after suspending, but not after dropping out. That means that any delegate that connected to Rubio will be free to cast their vote for whichever candidate they wish at the Republican convention. 

The one primary that Trump failed to win was Ohio, after John Kasich dominated his home state. The Buckeye State came out in force and supplied nearly 47 percent of the vote and 66 delegates to their governor. Despite the strong showing, which will undoubtedly keep his campaign afloat, Kasich still has fewer delegates than Marco Rubio.

After a huge night, Clinton saw her odds to become the Democratic nominee soar from -1000 to -2500. That surge also saw Sanders drop from +500 to +1000. After a largely predictable night for the Republicans those odds have not changed, despite Rubio dropping out. 

The Democrats have a busy remainder of March, as there will be six more states holding primaries or caucuses for the party. The biggest of these states will be Washington, which has 118 delegates up for grabs. The Republicans are fairly light for the rest of the month, with votes in just two states (Arizona and Utah).

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -200
  • Donald Trump +175
  • Bernie Sanders +1600
  • John Kasich +1800
  • Ted Cruz +2000
Odds as of March 22 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2500
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
Odds as of March 22 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Ted Cruz +600
  • John Kasich +600
Odds as of March 22 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
March 15FloridaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15IllinoisDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15MissouriDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15Northern Mariana IslandsRepTrump
March 15North CarolinaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 15OhioDem/RepClinton/Kasich
March 22ArizonaRep/Dem-
March 22IdahoDem-
March 22UtahDem/Rep-
March 26AlaskaDem-
March 26HawaiiDem-
March 26WashingtonDem-


March 8 was a huge day for Bernie Sanders as the Democrat managed to win Michigan despite most projections giving him next to no chance at taking the Wolverine State. Though he overwhelmingly lost Mississippi to Hillary Clinton on the same day, Sanders' win in a key Midwestern state was a huge shot in the arm to his campaign as the Senator from Vermont proved he can win in that area of the country.

The support for potential Republican nominee Donald Trump continued as the real estate mogul took Michigan, Hawaii and Mississippi while finishing second in Idaho Tuesday. However, the biggest storyline coming from the Republican Party was the continued fall from grace of Marco Rubio. After a time when he was looked at as a legitimate presidential candidate, Rubio barely got enough support to claim any delegates (a candidate needs at least 15 percent of statewide support to claim a single delegate in Michigan or Mississippi).

With Sanders claiming a big victory, the gap between himself and Clinton to win the Democratic nomination has narrowed at Sportsbook. Sanders shifted from +700 to +500 following March 8. The biggest mover in the Republican camp is Rubio, who has seen his numbers to win the nomination (+2000) and become the next President (+5000) take a huge plunge.

Though there will be polls in the relatively small areas of D.C., Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands Saturday, the next big day of primaries comes on March 15. Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio are all set to go to their booths this Tuesday. Florida and Ohio will be especially important for the Republican Party as Rubio is from the Sunshine State and John Kasich is from the Buckeye State. A loss in their home states will likely spell doom for either candidate.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -190
  • Donald Trump +200
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Ted Cruz +1200
  • John Kasich +2000
  • Marco Rubio +6600
  • Mitt Romney +7500
Odds as of March 14 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1000
  • Bernie Sanders +500
  • Joe Biden +2500
Odds as of March 14 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Ted Cruz +600
  • John Kasich +600
  • Marco Rubio +3300
  • Mitt Romney +5000
Odds as of March 14 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
March 5KansasDem/RepSanders/Cruz
March 5KentuckyRepTrump
March 5LouisianaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 5MaineRepCruz
March 5NebraskaDemSanders
March 6MaineDemSanders
March 6Puerto RicoRepRubio
March 8HawaiiRepTrump
March 8IdahoRepCruz
March 8MichiganDem/RepSanders/Trump
March 8MississippiDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 12District of ColumbiaRepRubio
March 12GuamRepCruz
March 12Northern Mariana IslandsDemClinton
March 15FloridaDem/Rep-
March 15IllinoisDem/Rep-
March 15MissouriDem/Rep-
March 15Northern Mariana IslandsRep-
March 15North CarolinaDem/Rep-
March 15OhioDem/Rep-


Super Saturday saw frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton maintain their leads within their respective parties, but not without taking some losses. Ted Cruz won both Kansas and Maine on March 5 while claiming more delegates than Trump. Bernie Sanders took three of the four Democratic primaries, but still remains a distant second behind Clinton in the overall delegate count.

Over the coming days there are several primaries that will play a major factor in the race to become the presidential nominee. The Democratic nominees will have some huge battles in Michigan (147 delegates), Florida (246) and Illinois (182). With Clinton nearly half way to getting the delegates she needs to become the official nominee and big wins in those three states could put a nail in Sanders’ presidential coffin.

For the Republicans, there are five states that go to the polls in March that are Sportsbook-takes-all. Those five states combine for 301 delegates, with Florida itself accounting for 99. The Sunshine State is going to be make-or-break for Marco Rubio as a loss in his home state will almost guarantee his campaign suspension sooner rather than later.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -200
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Bernie Sanders +1600
  • John Kasich +2500
  • Marco Rubio +3300
  • Mitt Romney +6600
Odds as of March 8 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1500
  • Bernie Sanders +700
Odds as of March 8 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -250
  • Ted Cruz +300
  • Marco Rubio +900
  • John Kasich +900
  • Mitt Romney +3300
Odds as of March 8 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
March 5KansasDem/RepSanders/Cruz
March 5KentuckyRepTrump
March 5LouisianaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 5MaineRepCruz
March 5NebraskaDemSanders
March 6MaineDemSanders
March 6Puerto RicoRepRubio
March 8HawaiiRepTrump
March 8IdahoRepCruz
March 8MichiganDem/RepSanders/Trump
March 8MississippiDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 12District of ColumbiaDem-
March 12GuamRep-
March 12Northern Mariana IslandsDem-
March 15FloridaDem/Rep-
March 15IllinoisDem/Rep-
March 15MissouriDem/Rep-
March 15Northern Mariana IslandsRep-
March 15North CarolinaDem/Rep-
March 15OhioDem/Rep-
March 19Virgin IslandsRep-


Super Tuesday is behind us and it appears that we have not lost any presidential candidates. Voting went largely as expected with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton each winning seven of 11 states respectively. Both Trump and Clinton hold substantial leads in delegates, but still have some work to do before they attain enough to lock up an official nomination.

Ted Cruz had a surprisingly strong showing as he won three states, the most of any Republican not named ‘Trump.’ Cruz dominated Texas and neighbouring Oklahoma before later shocking many pundits by picking up Alaska.

Marco Rubio managed to pick up one state, his first victory of the primary season, on Tuesday. However, despite his claims to the inevitable contrary, Rubio’s last true bastion of hope seems to be his home state of Florida.

Bernie Sanders put up a better performance than many expected, but still struggled mightily to attain minority voters with his victories coming within predominantly Caucasian states. Sanders will need to expand his sphere of influence if he truly expects to get the nomination over Clinton.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -200
  • Donald Trump +200
  • Marco Rubio +1400
  • Bernie Sanders +2000
  • John Kasich +2000
  • Ted Cruz +2500
  • Michael Bloomberg +5000
Odds as of March 4 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1500
  • Bernie Sanders +700
Odds as of March 4 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -350
  • Marco Rubio +550
  • Ted Cruz +900
  • John Kasich +900
Odds as of March 4 at Sportsbook
Upcoming Presidential Primaries/Caucuses
March 5KansasDem/RepSanders/Cruz
March 5KentuckyRepTrump
March 5LouisianaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 5MaineRepCruz
March 5NebraskaDemSanders
March 6MaineDemSanders
March 6Puerto RicoRepRubio
March 8HawaiiRep-
March 8IdahoRep-
March 8MichiganDem/Rep-
March 8MississippiDem/Rep-


Update: Results are beginning to come in for the Super Tuesday votes. OddsShark will add results and post new odds when information is available. 

Hillary Clinton heads into Super Tuesday riding a huge wave of momentum following a dominating victory in South Carolina. The former Secretary of State took 73.5 percent of the vote and claimed 39 of 53 delegates in the Palmetto State.

Following that huge performance for Clinton, she has moved to a massive -2000 favorite to earn the Democratic presidential nomination over Bernie Sanders (+750). Though the loss itself was not a huge blow to Sanders, the victory was huge for Clinton who had seen her opponent gain ground in the previous primaries.

Despite an official endorsement from Chris Christie, Donald Trump’s odds to become the Republican nomination have not moved since Friday. Trump remains a large favorite at -400 with Marco Rubio coming in as the only candidate remotely close to the real estate mogul.

The big victory in South Carolina also extended Clinton’s lead to become the next president, as she shifted from -140 the day before the primary to -175 the day after. All other presidential hopefuls saw their odds drop slightly heading into Super Tuesday, in which 11 states will hold their primaries or caucuses for both parties.

Can't get enough US Presidential Odds? Check out who are the favorites in each state on Super Tuesday.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -175
  • Donald Trump +175
  • Marco Rubio +900
  • Bernie Sanders +1200
  • Michael Bloomberg +3300
  • Ted Cruz +6600
  • John Kasich +6600
Odds as of February 29 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2000
  • Bernie Sanders +750
  • Joe Biden +5000
Odds as of February 29 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Marco Rubio +250
  • Ted Cruz +3300
  • John Kasich +4000
Odds as of February 29 at Sportsbook
Recent and Upcoming Presidential Primaries
February 1IowaDem/RepClinton/Cruz
February 9New HampshireDem/RepSanders/Trump
February 20NevadaDemClinton
February 20South CarolinaRepTrump
February 23NevadaRepTrump
February 27South CarolinaDemClinton
March 1AlabamaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 1ArkansasDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 1GeorgiaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 1MassachusettsDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 1MinnesotaDem/RepSanders/Rubio
March 1OklahomaDem/RepSanders/Cruz
March 1TennesseeDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 1TexasDem/RepClinton/Cruz
March 1VermontDem/RepSanders/Trump 
March 1VirginiaDem/RepClinton/Trump
March 1American SamoaDemClinton
March 1AlaskaRepCruz
March 1ColoradoDem/RepSanders/


UPDATE: Hillary Clinton has won Saturday's South Carolina Democratic primary. OddsShark will update the odds ahead of Super Tuesday's votes when official lines are available. Check out more information about Super Tuesday odds here. 

Nevada marked the third consecutive win for Donald Trump, as the business mogul picked up more than 45 percent of the vote in the state's primary. Trump continues to look like the legitimate front-runner for the Republicans, with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz fighting for a distant second place. This was the last leg for the Republican candidates before Super Tuesday when 11 states will hold their primaries.

With another dominant performance, Trump has become a -300 favorite to win the Republican nomination. The only other Republican candidate to be lower than +4000 is Marco Rubio, who was listed at +200 following Nevada.

With the Republicans now looking towards March 1, the Democratic Party has one primary left before the big day. The same night as the Republican Nevada primary Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took to the stage in South Carolina in their last major appearance ahead of that state's primary on February 27.

The town hall largely features the two sides focusing on very different strategies. Sanders was vocal about his support of Barack Obama and highly critical of how Republicans have painted the current president. Clinton went for a more personal approach while speaking to the Black Live Movement and youth voters.

We will see how exactly the town hall affected voters when Suuth Carolina takes to the polling Sportsbook for their primary on Saturday.

The town hall itself did not affect the odds as Clinton remained a -1000 favorite to win the Democratic nomination. The biggest change for the former Secretary of State came in her odds to become the next President as she went from EVEN to -150 on the morning of February 24.

Can't get enough election odds? Check out who the favorites are to be the next Vice President.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -140
  • Donald Trump +160
  • Marco Rubio +750
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Michael Bloomberg +2500
  • Ted Cruz +7500
  • John Kasich +10000
Odds as of February 26 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1000
  • Bernie Sanders +400
  • Joe Biden +2500
Odds as of February 26 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Marco Rubio +250
  • Ted Cruz +4000
  • John Kasich +4000
Odds as of February 26 at Sportsbook
Recent and Upcoming Presidential Primaries
February 1IowaDem/RepClinton/Cruz
February 9New HampshireDem/RepSanders/Trump
February 20NevadaDemClinton
February 20South CarolinaRepTrump
February 23NevadaRepTrump
February 27South CarolinaDemClinton
March 1AlabamaDem/Rep-
March 1ArkansasDem/Rep-
March 1GeorgiaDem/Rep-
March 1MassachusettsDem/Rep-
March 1MinnesotaDem/Rep-
March 1OklahomaDem/Rep-
March 1TennesseeDem/Rep-
March 1TexasDem/Rep-
March 1VermontDem/Rep-
March 1VirginiaDem/Rep-
March 1American SamoaDem-
March 1ColoradoDem-
March 1AlaskaRep-
March 1WyomingRep-


UPDATE: Donald Trump won another decisive victory in Nevada last night. OddsShark will have updated odds as soon as official lines hit the boards. The next Republican primaries take place on March 1st, aka Super Tuesday. 

Donald Trump is already predicting a showdown between himself and Hillary Clinton to see who moves into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The real estate mogul claimed this after he steamrolled through South Carolina to easily win the Republican primary there and after Clinton won a hard fought victory in Nevada. Books seem to agree with both Clinton and Trump, as both are the odds-on favorites to win their respective party’s nomination.

Trump is -125 to claim the Republican nomination after receiving nearly 33 percent of the vote in the Palmetto State. When you factor in more Republican candidates suspending their campaign, most recently Jeb Bush, Trump is finding himself as a legitimate candidate for the party.

Clinton, on the other hand, has a dogfight with Bernie Sanders. The former Secretary of State spent a lot of money and campaigned hard to just squeak out a win in Nevada over Sanders. However, Clinton has a firm grasp on the ever-important superdelegates, which has her as a massive -1000 favorite to get the Democratic nom.

The odds to become the next POTUS still sit firmly in Clinton’s favor, as she is currently EVEN money. The next closest is Trump at +250 and Marco Rubio at +400. 

The Republican party will take to Las Vegas and the rest of Nevada on February 23 for their primary in the state. Democrats won't go to the polls again until February 27, when they take to South Carolina. 

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton EVEN
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Marco Rubio +400
  • Bernie Sanders +750
  • Michael Bloomberg +2000
  • Ted Cruz +3300
  • John Kasich +5000
Odds as of February 22 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1000
  • Bernie Sanders +400
  • Joe Biden +2500
Odds as of February 22 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -125
  • Marco Rubio +125
  • Ted Cruz +1400
  • John Kasich +2500
Odds as of February 22 at Sportsbook
Recent and Upcoming Presidential Primaries
February 1IowaDem/RepClinton/Cruz
February 9New HampshireDem/RepSanders/Trump
February 20NevadaDemClinton
February 20South CarolinaRepTrump
February 23NevadaRepTrump
February 27South CarolinaDem-
March 1AlabamaDem/Rep-
March 1ArkansasDem/Rep-
March 1GeorgiaDem/Rep-
March 1MassachusettsDem/Rep-
March 1MinnesotaDem/Rep-
March 1OklahomaDem/Rep-
March 1TennesseeDem/Rep-
March 1TexasDem/Rep-
March 1VermontDem/Rep-
March 1VirginiaDem/Rep-
March 1American SamoaDem-
March 1ColoradoDem-
March 1AlaskaRep-
March 1WyomingRep-


UPDATE: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been declared Sportsbooks in their respective caucuses in Nevada and South Carolina Saturday night. OddsShark will have updated Presidential odds once official lines hit the boards. The next test for the candidates is on Tuesday when the Republicans head to Nevada. 

The New Hampshire Primary went largely as expected with Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump coming out as the Sportsbooks for their respective parties. Sanders got a whopping 60.4% of Democratic support with Trump winning the Republican race by more than 20 points.

The next round of U.S. presidential primaries is set for this weekend, and it’s Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that sit as the favorites to advance their goal of winning their respective party’s nomination. Clinton is the -130 favorite on the odds to win the Democratic Nevada Caucus on Saturday over challenger Bernie Sanders (-110), while Trump leads the Republican field at massive -10000 odds to claim a victory on Saturday in South Carolina.

Despite his recent surges in the poll, Sanders has not seen his odds to become the next President or even win the Democratic nomination move at all. Hillary Clinton remains the odds-on favorite to get the nod from the Democrats, but she has seen her odds to become the next POTUS fall to +115.

With Trump’s huge win in New Hampshire, the businessman has seen his odds to move into the White House climb dramatically as he jumped over Sanders and Marco Rubio to take the second spot. Trump's success paired with Rubio’s failures in New Hampshire has pushed The Donald into the odds-on favorite to win the Republican nomination.

The most surprising candidate to come out of New Hampshire was John Kaisch. The Ohio governor finished in second place and easily outpaced Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Rubio.  However, Kaisch’s campaign invested most of his remaining money in New Hampshire in the hopes that the momentum will push him forward.

The next primaries take place on February 20, with the Democrats taking to Nevada and the Republicans setting up shop in South Carolina. The two parties will alternate those states in the days following, with the Republicans in Nevada on the 23 and the Democrats in South Carolina on the 27.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton  +115
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Bernie Sanders +400
  • Marco Rubio +800
  • Ted Cruz +1800
  • Jeb Bush +2200
  • John Kasich +2200
  • Michael Bloomberg +2500
Odds as of February 17 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -400
  • Bernie Sanders +250
Odds as of February 17 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -150
  • Marco Rubio +300
  • Ted Cruz +900
  • Jeb Bush +900
  • John Kasich +1200
Odds as of February 17 at Sportsbook
Recent and Upcoming Presidential Primaries
February 1IowaDem/RepClinton/Cruz
February 9New HampshireDem/RepSanders/Trump
February 20NevadaDem-
February 20South CarolinaRep-
February 23NevadaRep-
February 27South CarolinaDem-


Update: Polls are now closed in New Hampshire and both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have been declared Sportsbooks in that state's primary election. OddsShark will update this article once new official lines hit the boards. As of Feb. 3 both Trump and Sanders were the odds-on favorite to win their respective races in New Hampshire. 

Between the coin flips and surprising surges, the Iowa Caucus had a massive impact in the standings and betting odds for Presidential nominations and eventual POTUS. For the first time since odds were posted, Hillary Clinton is not an odds-on favorite to become the next President, though she is still EVEN money, and Marco Rubio is becoming a big favorite to attain the Republican nom.

Clinton and Bernie Sanders had a ‘virtual tie’ in the Democratic caucuses with several coin flips ultimately determining who won (and yes, coin flips are the official party rules for ties). With Sanders closing the gap on the odds front over the past few months, Sportsbook has maintained the odds for the Democratic nom at Clinton -400 and Sanders +250, as they were heading into the caucus.

The Republican Party may have been even more intriguing than the Democrats in Iowa. Despite Ted Cruz having the strongest showing and placing first in the polls, the Senator from Texas is still behind Rubio and Donald Trump. The Iowa Caucus has always tended to lean towards the evangelical candidates with Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee winning the spot for the Republicans the last two occasions, which also showed up with Cruz’ win. Rubio had a stronger showing than many expected and that has thrust him into the -150 fave to get the nom for the party.

Clinton had been the odds-on favorite to win the presidency ever since Joe Biden officially announced he would not be running, but the Iowa Caucus had pushed her into the plus-money for the first time in months. The former Secretary of State is now EVEN to move into the White House with Rubio in second at +240 a day before the New Hampshire Primary. 

New Hampshire Primary

With less than one week until the New Hampshire primary, candidates had no time to fully absorb the Iowa Caucus. With Sanders riding a huge wave of momentum, especially with young voters, he is a massive -2500 favorite to win the Democratic New Hampshire Primary.

Despite a second place finish in Iowa, Donald Trump is the favorite to win in New Hampshire for the Republicans. Rubio remains the lone candidate close to Trump according to Sportsbook with no other candidates listed better than +1000.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton EVEN
  • Marco Rubio +240
  • Bernie Sanders +400
  • Donald Trump +500
  • Ted Cruz +1400
  • Michael Bloomberg +4000
  • Jeb Bush +5000
  • John Kasich +7500
  • Chris Christie +10000
Odds as of February 8 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -400
  • Bernie Sanders +250
Odds as of February 8 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Marco Rubio -150
  • Donald Trump +160
  • Ted Cruz +700
  • Jeb Bush +2500
  • John Kasich +3300
  • Chris Christie +6600
Odds as of February 8 at Sportsbook
Who Will Win the Democratic New Hampshire Primary?
  • Bernie Sanders -2500
  • Hilary Clinton +1000
Odds as of February 3 at Sportsbook
Who Will Win the Republican New Hampshire Primary?
  • Donald Trump -400
  • Marco Rubio +300
  • John Kasich +1000
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Jeb Bush +3300
  • Chris Christie +3300
Odds as of February 3 at Sportsbook


Note: With the Iowa Caucus over and several candidates dropping out of the running, we are waiting on updated lines to be posted. We will update this article as soon as new official lines hit the boards.

Bernie Sanders has been a distant second in the Democratic Nomination race for as long as there have been odds posted. However, with recent polls out of Iowa showing that Sanders holds an eight-point lead in the state, books are starting to feel the burn of money coming in on the Vermont Senator.

At one point Sanders was a +1000 underdog to secure the Democratic nomination, but has since climbed up to +250 at Sportsbook. With Sanders making huge gains, Hilary Clinton has seen her odds plummet down to -400 after being as high as -2000.

Clinton has also seen her odds to become the next POTUS fall and now sits at EVEN money. The former Secretary of State has been the odds-on favorite to move into the White House since the numbers have been posted.

On the Republican side, Donald Trump has grabbed a firm grasp on the lead and is now the -230 favorite to be the nominee. The same poll that showed large growth for Sanders, has Trump holding an 11-point lead over second-place Marco Rubio. 

February 1 will see the Iowa Caucus take place, the first occasion in which the public will actually have a say. Expect a lot of movement in these odds come February 2, so if there is anyone you are confident in, make sure to get on it early.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton EVEN
  • Donald Trump +190
  • Bernie Sanders +350
  • Marco Rubio +1000
  • Ted Cruz +2000
  • Jeb Bush +2800
  • Chris Christie +7500
  • John Kasich +7500
  • Carly Fiorina +30000
  • Ben Carson +30000
Odds as of February 1 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -400
  • Bernie Sanders +250
Odds as of February 1 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump -230
  • Marco Rubio +225
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Jeb Bush +1400
  • Chris Christie +4000
  • John Kasich +4000
  • Paul Ryan +15000
  • Ben Carson +15000
  • Carly Fiorina +20000
Odds as of February 1 at Sportsbook


After the final debates ahead of the Iowa Caucus, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton have maintained their leads to likely win their respective parties nomination. Trump and Marco Rubio have been jockeying for position atop the odds for the past two months, but Trump expanded a lead after the Republican debate. Clinton has firmly been the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic nomination ever since announcing her intention to run and the latest debate did nothing to change that.

Verbal jabs between Trump and Ted Cruz dictated the final Republican debate before the Iowa Caucus. However, Marco Rubio remained in the background for most of the night, which helped Trump move to a +125 favorite to win the Republican nomination.

The Democratic debate featured two very different approaches. Clinton tied herself tightly to Barack Obama and the party’s values over the past eight years. Bernie Sanders was vocal and mad as he called the current political system “corrupt”. Sanders has been making gains in the odds as he has shifted from +1000 at the start of December to +350 to win the Democratic nomination following the debate.

Clinton remains the odds-on favorite to become the next President, something she has firmly held since Joe Biden officially announced he would not run for the Democratic nomination.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -110
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Bernie Sanders +500
  • Marco Rubio +1000
  • Ted Cruz +1200
  • Jeb Bush +3300
  • Chris Christie +4000
  • Ben Carson +12500
  • John Kasich +12500
  • Carly Fiorina +12500
Odds as of January 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -700
  • Bernie Sanders +350
Odds as of January 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump +125
  • Marco Rubio +250
  • Ted Cruz +350
  • Jeb Bush +1200
  • Chris Christie +1200
  • Carly Fiorina +5000
  • Ben Carson +6600
  • John Kasich +6600
Odds as of January 19 at Sportsbook


The Iowa caucus is quickly approaching and there are still many questions to be answered, especially around the Republican Party. With the Republican nomination, it's anyone's guess. The favorite to win the coveted honor continues to flip back-and-forth between Donald Trump and Marco Rubio.

Trump and Rubio have traded the top odds to win the Republican nomination three times in January so far, with Trump currently sitting at +150 and Rubio at +200 per Sportsbook.

The rest of the Republican field has yet to see their odds shift since the start of the New Year, but that could change as the Republican candidates will debate once more before the Iowa caucus on January 14.

Hilary Clinton remains the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic nomination and to become the next President. 

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -110
  • Donald Trump +260
  • Bernie Sanders +500
  • Marco Rubio +1000
  • Ted Cruz +1400
  • Jeb Bush +3300
  • Chris Christie +3300
  • Ben Carson +10000
  • John Kasich +15000
  • Carly Fiorina +20000
Odds as of January 14 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -800
  • Bernie Sanders +400
Odds as of January 14 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump +150
  • Marco Rubio +200
  • Ted Cruz +325
  • Jeb Bush +800
  • Chris Christie +1200
  • Ben Carson +5000
  • John Kasich +7500
  • Carly Fiorina +10000
Odds as of January 14 at Sportsbook


With the Iowa caucus less than a month away, the Republican Presidential nomination is still a complete crapshoot. Donald Trump has seen a surge in the odds as the divisive candidate was listed at +300, behind Marco Rubio, on November 19, but has since climbed to a +150 favorite to win the Republican nomination according to Sportsbook.

Rubio has been slipping on the board as he has fallen both in the odds to win the Republican nomination and the Presidency. Aside from Rubio and Trump, there has been little movement early in 2016 as the Iowa caucus nears.

The Iowa caucus gives the public their first chance to voice their opinions during this long process. A strong surge in support for any candidate could greatly sway the lines before the second caucus happens just a week later in New Hampshire. The space between the first two caucuses could offer some intriguing value to bettors, as the Iowa caucus has been hit-or-miss in predicting the next POTUS.

If the Iowa caucus was always right than we would have had Rick Santorum, John Kerry and Bob Dole in the White House.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -150
  • Donald Trump +500
  • Maco Rubio +750
  • Bernie Sanders +750
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Jeb Bush +2500
  • Chris Christie +2500
  • Ben Carson +10000
  • John Kasich +15000
  • Carly Fiorina +15000
Odds as of January 5 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1200
  • Bernie Sanders +600
Odds as of January 5 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump +150
  • Marco Rubio +225
  • Ted Cruz +290
  • Jeb Bush +800
  • Chris Christie +1200
  • Ben Carson +5000
  • John Kasich +7500
  • Carly Fiorina +8000
Odds as of January 5 at Sportsbook


The 2015 U.S. Political year ended when the Democrats had their third debate of the year on December 19. Bernie Sanders did his best to narrow the gap between himself and Hillary Clinton, with many saying Senator from Vermont won the debate, but the odds are still heavily in the former Secretary of State’s favor.

Clinton is a massive -1000 favorite to win the Democratic nomination with Sanders listed at +500 according to Sportsbook.

Despite appearing at the debate, Martin O’Malley has been taken off the board at Sportsbook. That likely has something to do with the fact that most people have no damn clue who he is.

Clinton’s odds to win the Presidency remained at -140 after the debate but potential Republican nominees have seen their odds fluctuate slightly. Marco Rubio was +400 as of December 17, but fell to +550. Donald Trump has surpassed Rubio, with the polarizing figure (the nice way to say it) shifting from +650 to +500.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -140
  • Donald Trump +500
  • Maco Rubio +550
  • Bernie Sanders +700
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Jeb Bush +2000
  • Chris Christie +2800
  • Ben Carson +10000
  • John Kasich +12500
  • Carly Fiorina +15000
Odds as of December 28 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1000
  • Bernie Sanders +500
Odds as of December 28 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Marco Rubio +180
  • Donald Trump +180
  • Ted Cruz +290
  • Jeb Bush +800
  • Chris Christie +1200
  • Ben Carson +5000
  • John Kasich +6600
  • Carly Fiorina +10000
Odds as of December 28 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Party to Win 2016 U.S. Election
  • Democratic Party -145
  • Republican Party +115
Odds as of December 28 at Sportsbook


The December 15 Republican Debate may have been the most divisive among pundits, with seemingly no one candidate winning. Due to the lack of standout candidate from the debate, the odds to win the Republican nomination have seen no movement. Marco Rubio remains the favorite to win the nomination with Sportsbook pegging the Florida Senator at +130 to run for President.

Despite the lack of odds movement there were some notable exchanges that could affect the outcome of the process. Jeb Bush, who was polling at three percent, managed to attack and frustrate Donald Trump on several occasions. Rubio and Texas Senator Ted Cruz also offered several sparring matches and appeared to show the best debating skills of the group.

Oh yeah...John Kaish continued to look completely irrelevant.

The odds to become the next POTUS have only seen minimal movement with Rubio dropping from +350 on the day of December 15 to +400 two days later. The major fall went to Ben Carson, who struggled with foreign security issues, as he fell from +5000 to +7500 to win the presidency.

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton remains the odds-on favorite to live in the White House next, with the party’s nomination nearly sewed up by the former Secretary of State.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hilllary Clinton -140
  • Marco Rubio +400
  • Donald Trump +650
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Bernie Sanders +1500
  • Jeb Bush +1800
  • Chris Christie +3000
  • Ben Carson +7500
  • John Kasich +10000
  • Carly Fiorina +10000
Odds as of December 17 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hilllary Clinton -2000
  • Bernie Sanders +800
  • Martin O’Malley +10000
Odds as of December 17 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Marco Rubio +130
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Ted Cruz +400
  • Jeb Bush +800
  • Chris Christie +1600
  • Ben Carson +3000
  • John Kasich +5500
  • Carly Fiorina +5500
Odds as of December 17 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Party to Win 2016 U.S. Election
  • Democratic Party -150
  • Republican Party +120
Odds as of December 17 at Sportsbook


Despite critics seemingly multiplying by the day, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump seems to be getting support within the party. A poll conducted by CBS found that 35 percent of Republican primary voters support Trump, up 13 points from a poll in October.

It's important to take these numbers with an extra large grain of salt as they were conducted before Trump’s remarks about banning Muslims from entering America.   

With the public souring on Trump, the odds as to who will win the Republican nomination for President are becoming tighter than they have been on the election trail so far.  Rubio remains in the top spot at +130 according to Sportsbook with Trump at +250 and Ted Cruz at +400.

With the Republican party becoming more of a dogfight by the day, Hilary Clinton has seen her odds to become the next POTUS rise from -110 on December 1 to -140 on December 14. Though Clinton is still a massive -2000 to get the nod from the Democrats, Bernie Sanders has seen a slight jump in the odds from +1000 to +800.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -140
  • Marco Rubio +350
  • Donald Trump +650
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • Bernie Sanders +1500
  • Jeb Bush +1500
  • Chris Christie +3300
  • Ben Carson +5000
  • John Kasich +10000
  • Carly Fiorina +10000
Odds as of December 15 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2000
  • Bernie Sanders +800
  • Martin O’Malley +10000
Odds as of December 15 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Marco Rubio +130
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Ted Cruz +400
  • Jeb Bush +800
  • Chris Christie +1600
  • Ben Carson +3000
  • John Kasich +5500
  • Carly Fiorina +5500
Odds as of December 15 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Party to Win 2016 U.S. Election
  • Democratic Party -150
  • Republican Party +120
Odds as of December 15 at Sportsbook


With former Republican front-runners Jeb Bush and Donald Trump slipping in the polls, Marco Rubio is the new favorite to win the Republican nomination. Bush has been falling further and further out of the public collectiveness since financial issues surfaced on the campaign trail and it seems that people are finally realizing Donald Trump is Donald Trump.

Rubio has become the alternative and is currently listed at +160 to win the republican nomination and +500 to win the presidency according to Sportsbook. Rubio and Texas Senator Ted Cruz have been trading very verbal, and very public jabs over policy and voting record over the past few weeks. It seems that these exchanges have put Rubio in the front of the public consciousness.

Despite the shakeup in the Republican odds, Hilary Clinton is still the odds-on favorite to become the next POTUS and a massive -2500 fave to win the Democratic nomination. 

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -110
  • Marco Rubio +500
  • Donald Trump +600
  • Ted Cruz +750
  • Bernie Sanders +1400
  • Ben Carson +2500
  • Jeb Bush +2500
  • Chris Christie +5000
  • John Kasich +6600
  • Carly Fiorina +7500
Odds as of December 1 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -2500
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Martin O’Malley +10,000
Odds as of November 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Marco Rubio +160
  • Donald Trump +300
  • Ted Cruz +300
  • Jeb Bush +1000
  • Ben Carson +1200
  • Chris Christie +2000
  • John Kasich +2500
  • Carly Fiorina +5000
Odds as of November 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Party to Win 2016 U.S. Election
  • Democratic Party -150
  • Republican Party +120
Odds as of November 19 at Sportsbook


With the official announcement from Vice President Joe Biden that he will not run for the Democratic nomination, Hilary Clinton has jumped to a gigantic favorite to become the next President of the United States.

Clinton is now a -110 favorite to become the next President according to Sportsbook, which is up from +130 only two weeks ago.

The Republican nominees have largely remained unchanged following a debate earlier this week, with Donald Trump seeing a slight bump in his Presidential odds shifting from +600 to +500.

The biggest mover though has been Jeb Bush. Over the past several weeks there have been multiple unflattering reports about the former GOP front-runners campaign that has seen large financial cuts in that area.

Bush was +600 to become the next President and +500 to become the Republican nominee on October 19,  he has since shifted to +1200 to become the President and +700 to run for the Republicans. 

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -110
  • Donald Trump +500
  • Marcio Rubio +600
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Jeb Bush +1200
  • Ted Cruz +3300
  • Carly Florina +4000
  • Chris Christie +5000
  • John Kasich +7500
Odds as of October 30 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -1200
  • Bernie Sanders +600
Odds as of October 30 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Donald Trump +225
  • Marco Rubio +225
  • Ben Carson +375
  • Jeb Bush +700
  • Ted Cruz +900
  • Chris Christie +1800
  • Carly Fiorina +2000
  • John Kasich +2500
Odds as of October 30 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election – Party to Win 2016 U.S. Election
  • Democratic Party -140
  • Republican Party +100
Odds as of October 30 at Sportsbook


Hillary Clinton continues to lead all challengers on the odds to win the next Presidential Election in the United States, with the sportsbooks setting her as the clear betting favorite to win that election in 2016.

At Sportsbook Clinton is the +130 favorite on the odds to be the next President of the United States, which is up slightly from her +150 odds from a month ago.

A trio of Republicans follow Clinton on those political betting futures at the sportsbook, with Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio all at +600 odds. Bernie Sanders, challenging Clinton for the Democratic nomination, is at +1000, with Vice President Joe Biden at +1200.

Clinton is also the clear -300 favorite on the odds to be the Democratic Presidential nominee for 2016, with Sanders trailing at +400 and Biden just behind him at +500. Biden, though, has not yet made an announcement that he will be running for President in 2016.

Bush, Trump, and Rubio are the +250 co-favorites on the odds to be the Republican Presidential nominee for 2016, with Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz all at +1000, and John Kasich at +1200. Chris Christie trails at +2000, with Rand Paul well back at +7500.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton +130
  • Jeb Bush +600
  • Donald Trump +600
  • Marco Rubio +600
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Joe Biden +1200
  • Carly Fiorina +2000
  • Ben Carson +2000
  • John Kasich +3300
  • Chris Christie +3300
  • Ted Cruz +3300
  • Elizabeth Warren +6600
  • Martin OMalley +10000
  • Rand Paul +20000
Odds as of October 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hilary Clinton -300
  • Bernie Sanders +400
  • Joe Biden +500
  • Martin O'Malley +5000
  • Lincoln Chafee +15000
Odds as of October 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Jeb Bush +250
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Marco Rubio +250
  • Carly Fiorina +1000
  • Ben Carson +1000
  • Ted Cruz +1000
  • John Kasich +1200
  • Chris Christie +2000
  • Rand Paul +7500
Odds as of October 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Gender of Sportsbook
  • Male -155
  • Female +125
Odds as of October 19 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Winning Party
  • Democratic Party -150
  • Republican Party +120
Odds as of October 19 at Sportsbook


Hillary Clinton remains the favorite on the odds to be the next President of the United States at the online sportsbooks, with Republicans Jeb Bush and Donald Trump following the Democratic chalk on those updated political betting lines.

At Sportsbook Clinton is the +150 favorite on the odds to win the Presidential election in 2016, with Bush at +450 and Trump at +500 on that list. Joe Biden, who is not officially running for the job at this point, is then at +800, with Bernie Sanders at +1000.

2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton +150
  • Jeb Bush +450
  • Donald Trump +500
  • Joe Biden +800
  • Bernie Sanders +1000
  • Marco Rubio +1400
  • Scott Walker +2000
  • Carly Fiorina +2500
  • John Kasich +2500
  • Ben Carson +3000
  • Ted Cruz +4000
  • Chris Christie +5000
  • Elizabeth Warren +10000
  • Rand Paul +10000
  • Martin O'Malley +10000
  • Jim Webb +25000
  • Rick Perry +25000
  • Bobby Jindal +25000
Odds as of September 20 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hilary Clinton -300
  • Bernie Sanders +425
  • Joe Biden +425
  • Elizabeth Warren +2000
  • Martin O'Malley +5000
  • Jim Webb +15000
  • Lincoln Chafee +15000
Odds as of September 20 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Jeb Bush +200
  • Donald Trump +240
  • Marco Rubio +500
  • Scott Walker +800
  • Ben Carson +1000
  • John Kasich +1000
  • Chris Christie +2200
  • Ted Cruz +2500
  • Rand Paul +3300
Odds as of September 20 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Winning Party
  • Democratic Party -150
  • Republican Party +120
Odds as of September 20 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Gender of Sportsbook
  • Male -200
  • Female +160
Odds as of September 20 at Sportsbook


Jeb Bush remains the favorite on the odds to be the Republican presidential nominee at the online sportsbooks after the first debate of the process, but Donald Trump has improved on those betting lines over the past month.

At Sportsbook Bush is the +150 favorite on the odds to be the Republican presidential nominee for 2016, with Trump now up to second at +300; Trump had been back at +750 on those political props at the sportsbook heading into the first debate. Scott Walker and Marco Rubio are both then at +600, with Ben Carson at +900 and John Kasich at +1000.

Hillary Clinton then remains the clear favorite on the odds to be the Democratic presidential nominee for 2016 at Sportsbook at -700, with Bernie Sanders at +600 and Joe Biden at +800. Biden has not announced whether he will be running for president in 2016.

Clinton is also the +110 favorite on the latest odds to be the next president of the United States, followed by Bush at +375 and Trump at +700; Trump has not ruled out running as a third-party candidate in the 2016 election. Rubio, Walker, and Sanders are all at +1400, with Biden at +1800, Kasich at +2500, and Carson and Ted Cruz at +3300.

2016 US Presidential Election - Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hilary Clinton -700
  • Bernie Sanders +600
  • Joe Biden +800
  • Martin O'Malley +3300
  • Elizabeth Warren +3300
  • Jim Webb +5000
  • Lincoln Chafee +10000
Odds as of August 25 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Jeb Bush +150
  • Donald Trump +300
  • Scott Walker +600
  • Marco Rubio +600
  • Ben Carson +900
  • John Kasich +1000
  • Chris Christie +1500
  • Ted Cruz +1500
  • Rand Paul +2500
Odds as of August 25 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton +110
  • Jeb Bush +375
  • Donald Trump +700
  • Marco Rubio +1400
  • Scott Walker +1400
  • Bernie Sanders +1400
  • Joe Biden +1800
  • John Kasich +2500
  • Ted Cruz +3300
  • Ben Carson +3300
  • Chris Christie +5000
  • Carly Fiorina +5000
  • Elizabeth Warren +6600
  • Rand Paul +10000
  • Jim Webb +10000
  • Martin O'Malley +10000
  • Rick Perry +15000
  • Bobby Jindal +15000
  • Rick Santorum +15000
Odds as of August 25 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Winning Party
  • Democratic Party -160
  • Republican Party +130
Odds as of August 25 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Gender of Sportsbook
  • Male -150
  • Female +120
Odds as of August 25 at Sportsbook


Hillary Clinton is the clear favorite to be the Democratic presidential nominee for 2016 while Jeb Bush is atop the odds to become the Republican presidential nominee on the updated election betting lines at online sportsbook Sportsbook.

Clinton sits atop the Democratic presidential nominee list at -699 odds at Sportsbook, putting her well ahead of the +800 Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders on those betting props. Martin O'Malley is then back at +3300, with Elizabeth Warren at +5000.

Bush is the +150 favorite on the odds to be the Republican nominee, with Scott Walker at +300, Marco Rubio at +400, and Donald Trump up to +750. Rand Paul is at +1200 on those lines, with Ben Carson at +1600, Chris Christie at +2000, and Ted Cruz at +2500.

2016 US Presidential Election - Democratic Presidential Nominee
  • Hillary Clinton -699
  • Joe Biden +800
  • Bernie Sanders +800
  • Martin O'Malley +3300
  • Elizabeth Warren +5000
Odds as of August 5 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Republican Presidential Nominee
  • Jeb Bush +150
  • Scott Walker +300
  • Marco Rubio +400
  • Donald Trump +750
  • Rand Paul +1200
  • Ben Carson +1600
  • Chris Christie +2000
  • Ted Cruz +2500
Odds as of August 5 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
  • Hillary Clinton -110
  • Jeb Bush +350
  • Scott Walker +1000
  • Marco Rubio +1200
  • Bernie Sanders +1200
  • Joe Biden +2000
  • Rand Paul +2500
  • Donald Trump +2500
  • Ben Carson +4000
  • Chris Christie +4000
  • John Kasich +4000
  • Ted Cruz +4500
  • Mike Huckabee +6600
  • Carly Fiorina +7500
  • Martin O'Malley +7500
  • Elizabeth Warren +10000
  • Jim Webb +10000
  • Rick Perry +10000
  • Bobby Jindal +10000
  • Michael Bloomberg +10000
  • Rick Santorum +10000
  • Paul Ryan +15000
  • Kirsten Gillibrand +15000
  • Lindsey Graham +15000
Odds as of August 5 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Winning Party
  • Democratic Party -165
  • Republican Party +135
Odds as of August 5 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Gender of Sportsbook
  • Male -115
  • Female -115
Odds as of August 5 at Sportsbook


Hillary Clinton continues to sit as the clear favorite on the odds to become the next President of the United States in 2016 at the online sportsbooks, with Jeb Bush her closest competitor on those betting props.

At Sportsbook Clinton is the 1/1 favorite on the odds to become the President of the United States in 2016, with Bush behind her at 4/1 odds. Marco Rubio and Scott Walker are at 7/1 and 9/1 on those betting props, with Rand Paul back at 18/1 odds.

Donald Trump, once back at 150/1 on those betting lines, is now at 25/1 after his announcement that he plans on competing for the Republican nomination for President for 2016. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz join Trump at 25/1 on those odds.

New Jersey governor Chris Christie is at 40/1 on the latest odds to win the 2016 US Presidential Election, with Vice President Joe Biden and senator Elizabeth Warren both at 50/1. Rick Perry holds down 75/1 odds, with Lindsey Graham and Mike Huckabee both longshots at 100/1.

The Democrats are then the -165 favorite over the +135 underdog Republicans on the winning party prop bet at Sportsbook, with 'male' the -135 favorite over +105 'female' on the wager asking what the gender of the new President of the United States will be in 2016.

2016 US Presidential Election - President of the USA
  • Hillary Clinton 1/1
  • Jeb Bush 4/1
  • Marco Rubio 7/1
  • Scott Walker 9/1
  • Rand Paul 18/1
  • Bernie Sanders 25/1
  • Donald Trump 25/1
  • Ted Cruz 25/1
  • Ben Carson 33/1
  • John Kasich 33/1
  • Chris Christie 40/1
  • Carly Fiorina 50/1
  • Elizabeth Warren 50/1
  • Joe Biden 50/1
  • Martin OMalley 50/1
  • Rick Perry 75/1
  • Al Gore 100/1
  • Jim Webb 100/1
  • Lindsey Graham 100/1
  • Mike Huckabee 100/1
  • Andrew Cuomo 150/1
  • Bobby Jindal 150/1
  • Kirsten Gillibrand 150/1
  • Michael Bloomberg 150/1
  • Paul Ryan 150/1
  • Rick Santorum 150/1
  • Dan Bilzerian 1000/1
Odds as of June 30 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Winning Party
  • Democratic Party -165
  • Republican Party +135
Odds as of June 30 at Sportsbook
2016 US Presidential Election - Gender of Sportsbook
  • Female +105
  • Male -135
Odds as of June 30 at Sportsbook
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