World Cup Picks - Computer Picks

Wednesday, June 4
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Cayman Islands VS Bermuda
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CAY 1.8 - -
BER 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Bahamas VS Grenada
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BAH 1.4 - -
GRD 1.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Aruba VS Barbados
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ARB 1.8 - -
BRB 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Belize VS Montserrat
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BLZ 1.3 - -
MSR 1.9 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
British Virgin Islands VS Dominica
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BVI 1.6 - -
DMA 1.6 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Anguilla VS St. Vincent
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
AIA 0.6 - -
VCT 2.6 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
Thursday, June 5
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Kyrgyzstan VS Korea DPR
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
KGZ 2.2 - -
PRK 1.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Uzbekistan VS UAE
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
UZB 2.4 - -
UAE 0.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Iran VS Qatar
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
IRI 2.2 - -
QAT 1.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Palestine VS Kuwait
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
PLE 1.8 - -
KUW 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Jordan VS Oman
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
JOR 1.5 - -
OMA 1.7 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
South Korea VS Iraq
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
RK 1.9 - -
IRQ 1.3 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
China VS Indonesia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CHN 0.9 - -
INA 2.3 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Saudi Arabia VS Bahrain
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
KSA 2.4 - -
BRN 0.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Japan VS Australia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
JPN 1.0 - -
AUS 2.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
Friday, June 6
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Israel VS Estonia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ISR 1.8 - -
EST 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Belgium VS Macedonia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BEL 0.8 - -
MKD 2.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Montenegro VS Czech Republic
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
MNE 1.4 - -
CZE 1.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Liechtenstein VS Wales
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
LIE 0.4 - -
WAL 2.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Cuba VS Antigua and Barbuda
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CUB 2.4 - -
ANT 0.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Saint Kitts and Nevis VS Trinidad and Tobago
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
SKN 0.9 - -
TRI 2.3 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Saint Lucia VS Curacao
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
LCA 0.7 - -
CUW 2.5 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Guyana VS Nicaragua
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
GUY 0.0 - -
NCA 3.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Dominican Republic VS Guatemala
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
DOM 0.4 - -
GUA 2.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Puerto Rico VS Suriname
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
PUR 0.9 - -
SUR 2.3 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
Saturday, June 7
9:00 AM ET
See Matchup
San Marino VS Bosnia-Herzegovina
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
SMR 0.0 - -
BIH 3.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
12:00 PM ET
See Matchup
Lithuania VS Malta
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
LTU 1.8 - -
MLT 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
12:00 PM ET
See Matchup
England VS Andorra
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ENG 3.4 - -
AND 0.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Serbia VS Albania
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
SRB 1.2 - -
ALB 2.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Romania VS Austria
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ROU 1.4 - -
AUT 1.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Honduras VS Cayman Islands
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
HON 2.6 - -
CAY 0.6 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Costa Rica VS Bahamas
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CRC 3.8 - -
BAH 0.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Haiti VS Aruba
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
HAI 2.4 - -
ARB 0.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Panama VS Belize
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
PAN 3.6 - -
BLZ 0.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Jamaica VS British Virgin Islands
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
JAM 3.4 - -
BVI 0.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
El Salvador VS Anguilla
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ESA 3.6 - -
AIA 0.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
Monday, June 9
10:00 AM ET
See Matchup
Macedonia VS Kazakhstan
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
MKD 2.0 - -
KAZ 1.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Gibraltar VS Faroe Islands
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
GIB 0.8 - -
FRO 2.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Norway VS Estonia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
NOR 3.1 - -
EST 0.1 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Wales VS Belgium
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
WAL 2.0 - -
BEL 1.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
Tuesday, June 10
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Albania VS Latvia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ALB 1.8 - -
LAT 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Cyprus VS Romania
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CYP 2.0 - -
ROU 1.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Andorra VS Serbia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
AND 1.1 - -
SRB 2.1 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Austria VS San Marino
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
AUT 2.8 - -
SMR 0.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
2:45 PM ET
See Matchup
Poland VS Finland
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
POL 1.8 - -
FIN 1.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Bermuda VS Cuba
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BER 0.8 - -
CUB 2.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Antigua and Barbuda VS Honduras
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
ANT 0.4 - -
HON 2.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Grenada VS Saint Kitts and Nevis
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
GRD 1.0 - -
SKN 2.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Trinidad and Tobago VS Costa Rica
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
TRI 1.0 - -
CRC 2.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Barbados VS Saint Lucia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BRB 0.8 - -
LCA 2.4 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Curacao VS Haiti
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
CUW 2.2 - -
HAI 1.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Montserrat VS Guyana
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
MSR 1.2 - -
GUY 2.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Nicaragua VS Panama
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
NCA 2.0 - -
PAN 1.2 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Dominica VS Dominican Republic
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
DMA 0.1 - -
DOM 3.1 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Guatemala VS Jamaica
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
GUA 2.5 - -
JAM 0.7 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
St. Vincent VS Puerto Rico
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
VCT 0.2 - -
PUR 3.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Suriname VS El Salvador
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
SUR 2.6 - -
ESA 0.6 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Korea DPR VS Iran
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
PRK 0.2 - -
IRI 3.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
UAE VS Kyrgyzstan
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
UAE 1.4 - -
KGZ 1.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Qatar VS Uzbekistan
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
QAT 1.2 - -
UZB 2.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Oman VS Palestine
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
OMA 2.2 - -
PLE 1.0 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Kuwait VS South Korea
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
KUW 1.1 - -
RK 2.1 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Iraq VS Jordan
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
IRQ 1.1 - -
JOR 2.1 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Bahrain VS China
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
BRN 1.6 - -
CHN 1.6 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Indonesia VS Japan
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
INA 1.4 - -
JPN 1.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
3:33 PM ET
See Matchup
Australia VS Saudi Arabia
Predicted Score / ML
Pred. Score / ML Pick
AUS 2.4 - -
KSA 0.8 - -
Spread Pick
- - - -
- - - -
Total Pick
-- - -
-- - -
Computer Picks Results - Last 100 Games
Last 100 To Win ATS Total O/U
$ Units (Opening)-$511$821-$197
$ Units (Closing)-$300$902$212
Record (Opening)26 - 1825 - 14 - 521 - 21 - 2
Record (Closing)26 - 1826 - 15 - 323 - 19 - 2

What Does This Table Mean?

The above table shows the records for the last 100 games played in the FIFA World Cup championship. Using this data, you can make 2022 World Cup and World Cup qualifier predictions. Let’s break it down to give you a better idea of what each term means so your World Cup 2022 predictions and picks are successful. These are daily games, but you can see the odds to win the World Cup as well.

$ Units Of Opening/Closing:

Learning betting terminology and strategy is essential when learning how to bet on the World Cup.

The dollar sign represents the profit or loss based on a bettor placing $100 on each of the last 100 World Cup picks generated by the computer on the opening and closing lines. “To Win” signifies the win based on straight-up or moneyline bets. 

A moneyline or straight-up bet means that the team you bet on just needs to win the game outright without any special strings attached. For example, if France beats Germany outright and you bet on the French team, you’d win. 

“ATS” stands for “against the spread” and signifies the win based on picks made that beat the spread. The spread is a number that is used by oddsmakers to determine the median between two sides or teams to give people more to bet on besides wins and losses.

Spreads are usually a series of points that each team needs to win or lose by. For instance, in soccer, the spread would be something like .5 or 1.5, meaning that the favored team has to win by one or two goals or the underdog has to win outright, play to a draw or lose by one goal in order for your bet to cover the spread.

“Total O/U” means the amount won on OVER or UNDER picks. When looking at OVER/UNDER odds betting, it can be useful to consider when there is worrisome weather or injuries that could change the outcome of a game. For example, particularly blustery wind conditions could affect the way the ball travels when kicked. OVER/UNDER is also referred to as “totals” betting.

Record Opening/Closing:

To make things simple, we list wins first and losses second. Pushes and ties are listed third. This makes it easier for you to make your 2022 World Cup predictions.

“To Win” represents the record based on moneyline bets. “ATS” shows the record based on picks made against the spread. “Total O/U” is the record on OVER or UNDER predictions.

Want Expert 2022 World Cup Picks For Each Game?

Our computer generates expert consensus predictions for every game in the 2022 World Cup that can help you to cover the spread. Don’t miss out on the non-stop action of the 2022 FIFA World Cup featuring the biggest soccer stars on the planet, including Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and more. The action kicks off on November 21, 2022, so if you’re still unsure of who to bet on when making your World Cup predictions, check out our free picks before you place any money on the World Cup wagerline.

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